Community Driven
Locally Owned
Auto Services
Auto Service Offered:
- 4 X 4 Service
- Alignments with Hunter Hawkeye® Elite
Auto Maintenance and Repair:
- Batteries
- Brakes
- Brakes Flush
- Check Engine Light/Service Engine Soon Light
- Coolant Flush
- Driveline: Diagnosis and Repair
- Engine Repair: Major and Minor
- Heating and A/C
- Oil Changes
- Power Steering Flush
- Steering and Suspension
- Tires and Rims
- Transmission Repair: Diagnosis, Repair, and Rebuild
- Transmission Flush

Truck Services
Truck Maintenance and Repair:
- Brakes
- DOT qualified inspection on trucks and trailers
- Tires and Rims
- Heating and A/C
- Some Engine Repair
- Heating and A/C
- Some Engine Repair
- New Holland tractor and combine inspections
- Minor Repair
UPS Shipping Location
Wyndmere Auto is currently a UPS shipping location, accepting UPS Drop-Off packages for free.
This location also accepts ARS (Authorized Return Service), RS (Return Service), and Internet (

New Customer Reviews
We’re proud of the relationships we’ve cultivated with our customers - and even prouder when they are willing to tell others about us!

Do I need an appointment for repair work?
Yes. We would prefer that you call (701) 439-2259 and make a service appointment. However, if you have an emergency, we may be able to fit you in.
Do you perform oil changes?
Yes. But, seeing as an oil change is generally not an emergency, you’ll need to make an appointment.
Do you perform engine work on heavy trucks?
Do you do DOT truck inspections?
Yes. During this detailed inspection, our qualified inspectors will review all of the major interior and exterior components of your rig and your trailer. If everything is good to go, they’ll sign off on your annual inspection report.